Real Solar System Voyage

Real Solar System Voyage


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Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 1Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 2Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 3Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 4Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 5Real Solar System Voyage screenshot 6




This solar system simulator reflects actual planetary position information. When the app is launched, the sun is positioned 20 cm in front of the device, based on the device's position. Around it, the eight main planets of the solar system and the celestial body to be observed orbit. The orbits are displayed as if they were trajectories. The position of each planet is calculated based on actual values. # Features - x] Realistic solar system with visionOS - x] Orbits of the 8 planets are displayed. - x] Planets are realistic textures imported from USDZ files. - x] Planet positions are calculated based on real values (using Horizons API) - x] The object to be observed can be changed. - x] Display of the orbit of the object of interest - x] Calculate the position of the target object based on actual values (using the Horizons API). - x] Adjustable speed (minus value for reverse rotation) - x] Zoom function (zoom in/zoom out) - x] Toggle the display of the text information and the coordinate axis - x] You can adjust the immersion with the digital crown. ## How to use 1. when you launch the application, you will be asked for "permission to use camera" at the first startup. If you allow it, an visionOS session will start. 2. 2. a coordinate axis will be placed 20 cm in front of you, based on the device's position. 3. Tap the "Load Planet" button to load the planet model. Just wait a moment. 4. The 8 main planets of the solar system and the object to be observed will orbit around it. 5. Move the device to observe the solar system from various angles. 6. Tap the buttons at the bottom of the screen to adjust the speed and zoom. 7. You can change the object to be observed from the menu in the upper right corner of the screen. 1. Halley's Comet 2. Hayabusa2 & Ryugyu 3. Voyager 1 & 2 4. New Horizons & Pluto 5. Cassini 6. OSIRIS-REx & Bennu 7. Comparison of Circle and Ellipse 8. Geocentric theory 8. Toggle the display of the text information and the coordinate axis from the menu in the upper right corner of the screen. 9. You can adjust the immersion with the digital crown.






