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## What is Voxelamming? Voxelamming = Voxel + Programming Voxelamming Studio is a programming learning application using AR. You can play with voxels (the smallest unit of cube in 3D space as well as pixels) programmed on your PC and placed on the virtual space. ## How to use ### Creating voxel ards from the built-in code editor Since ver. 1.6.0, you can create, run, save, and load codes from the built-in code editor. Please refer to the sample code to create your own voxel art. ### Preparation of a computer The PC is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers. If your computer does not have a programming language (Python, Node.js, Ruby, Swift) installed, install the language you wish to use. Data communication between your computer and the device uses an Internet connection (they do not have to be connected to the same line). The computer is now ready to use. ### Set base anchor Launch the Voxelamming Studio. Tap the "Show Base Anchor" button to set the base anchor (black and white plane). You can place voxel art based on this. The preparation is now complete. You can drag the base anchor to change its position. ### Modeling (programming) voxels Program "voxel data" to place voxels on your PC (Windows or Mac). Voxel data contains information such as position, color, size, and interval to be placed. Supported languages are Scratch3 MOD, Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Ruby, and Swift. Let's create a script. Refer to the script in [sample folder](https://github.com/creativival/voxelamming/tree/main/sample). To connect to the WebSocket server room, set the variable room_name ( Remember to match the roomName to the string displayed in the center of the screen of the device. Next, voxel data is created using repeated statements and conditional expressions in each language. The voxel position is based on a planar anchor, with x-, y-, and z-axis values. x-axis represents left/right, y-axis represents up/down, and z-axis represents depth (front is positive) (unit is centimeters). The size of a voxel is specified in decimals based on 1.0 cm. The color is specified as an RGB value in decimals from 0 to 1. Then, the interval at which voxels are placed is specified in seconds. By specifying the interval between voxels, voxels will be placed over time rather than all at once. ### Building AR voxels When the script is executed, voxel data will be sent to the device via WebSocket communication. Once the data is received, the AR voxel will be placed based on the flat anchor on the device screen. When the WebSocket server is idle, data transmission may fail. In that case, please wait for a while and execute again.
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