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ExtCalc is an innovative scientific calculator that makes operating computations easy. It shows your whole formula in a text view. You can have different calculation sheets for different formulas or you just use one sheet for all your formulas. Deletion and memorizing results are integrated as well. Last, but not least, it includes a customizable constants pool. All nifty features in a short list: * individual calculation sheets, with the possibility to print them * memorizing results, e.g. via the ANS button and through the calculation sheets, get old values by tapping on them in the sheet * many functions, even in portrait mode * grouping (brackets) * error proof, you can't input formulas that would lead to errors * constants pool, easily customizable * iCloud support for synchronization between devices * VAT calculator * Apple Watch app * Transfer of numbers from Apple Watch to iPhone * AR scene * Print calculation sheets * Dark Mode This program is brought to you by Develicious Studios Weber.
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