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Take a break and give your brain some exercise with this innovative version of the classic number puzzler. Sudoku, a logic game that's become a worldwide sensation, starts with a 9x9 grid partially filled in with numbers. Your job is to figure out which numbers complete the grid by using a few simple rules: • Each row and column must contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating • Each of the 3x3 squares within the grid must also contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating Sudoku Sketch features an unlimited number of puzzles, three difficulty levels, support for pencil marks, a variety of fun themes (each with full support for dark mode), and an optional timer. Tap to select numbers or draw them with Apple Pencil for easy, natural input that's instantly digitized using the power of machine learning. All puzzles are generated on the fly but fully tested to ensure that they only have one valid solution so you won't get stuck with unsolvable or broken games. Create as many games as you want and work on them at your own pace.
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